States that expand their Medicaid programs under provisions of the federal healthcare overhaul are free to cut them again in the future, the CMS has confirmed.
Cindy Mann, director of the Center for Medicaid and State Operations at the CMS, said the agency will allow states that expand their Medicaid eligibility to receive 100% federal funding for the newly eligible in 2014-2016 to cut their rolls in the future.
Concerns about the states' ability to afford the program after the 100% federal funding begins to drop to 90% were included in recent statements from both Democratic and Republican governors about the Medicaid expansion.
Such future affordability concerns were cited by many health policy experts as part of the reason why only 13 governors have committed to expanding their Medicaid programs since the June 28 U.S. Supreme Court decision that removed financial penalties for not expanding eligibility to all legal residents whose incomes are up to 133% of the federal poverty level, with a 5 percentage-point leeway to 138%.