The CMS released its Medicare Shared Savings Program application for 2012 and will accept applications beginning Dec. 1.
CMS releases Medicare Shared Savings Program application
The 21-page application (PDF), available on the CMS' website, seeks information on the legal and governance structure of accountable care organizations, provider participation agreements, data sharing, and quality improvement and patient engagement efforts. The Medicare shared savings program, created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, offers hospitals and medical groups financial incentives to reduce costs and improve quality for a group of Medicare patients.
The CMS announced in final rules released last month that it would stagger the start of the shared savings program over two dates: April 1 and July 1. The agency posted deadlines for applications on its website.
The CMS will take applications for the April 1 start date from Dec. 1, 2011, to Jan. 20, 2012, and federal officials will name those that are accepted on March 16, 2012.
Applications for the July 1 start will be accepted from March 1-30, with the accountable care organizations to be named on May 31.
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