Forty rural health networks across the country will receive a total of $11.9 million in federal funding—amounting to about $300,000 apiece—to support their efforts in adopting health information technology and certified electronic health records, HHS announced.
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HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration will distribute the funds, which come from existing appropriations and authorization for the Rural Health Care Services Outreach and Rural Health Network Development Program. The pilot program is part of the president’s Rural Health Initiative, and the funding is intended for grantees to purchase equipment, install broadband networks and provide training for staff. According to HHS, the money will also help participating eligible providers at these networks qualify for Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive payments.
“Collaboration is key to this effort,” HRSA Administrator Mary Wakefield said in a news release, which also listed the grant recipients. “Working together, these rural health networks will be in a better position to achieve economies of scale and enhance their services and organizational capacity,” she added.
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