Health Management Associates, Naples, Fla., has received two subpoenas from HHS' inspector general's office since May, according to its quarterly securities filing.
HMA subpoenaed about doc referrals, Pro-MED
On May 16, Health Management received a subpoena requesting information on the company's physician referrals and its whole-hospital joint ventures with physicians, among other documents, according to the filing. On July 21, the company received a subpoena regarding its emergency-department management, including its use of software sold by Pro-MED Clinical Systems, Plantation, Fla., according to the filing.
In April, Community Health Systems, Franklin, Tenn., disclosed in a securities filing that the inspector general's office had issued a subpoena dated March 31 requesting documents related to Community's use of Pro-MED software.
In June, Health Management announced that it was dropping Pro-MED in favor of a new vendor, Medhost. Health Management, Medhost and Pro-MED officials all said at the time that Health Management issued a request for proposals for a new emergency department IT system in October.
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